What is Confirmation? Confirmation increases and deepens the grace first received at Baptism. It is the third Sacrament of Initiation following Baptism and Eucharist. It enables us to better approach God as Father, strengthens our bond with Christ, “increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us,” binds us more closely with the Church, and “gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action.” (CCC, 1303)
Confirmation Program for rising 9th-12th graders (17 & under)
Registration for Confirmation program 24-25
Cost for the program is $150
Confirmation Info
Confirmation is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church.
What does this mean?
We are part of a COMMUNITY!!! A world-wide community which has been commissioned to live as Christ! We are taught to be our “brother’s keeper” and to serve the community. Jesus himself said, “whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers you did for me.” Matthew 25: 40
Service hours are not just about getting them over with, they are about experiencing living and loving as Christ. This is why we are required to experience several types of service.
What is Required?
In our Archdiocese you are required to complete a minimum number of hours of service in order to be Confirmed. In our parish, these 21 hours are broken up into 3 categories:
-7 “Family” hours
-7 “Parish” hours
-7 “Community” hours
- 500 Word Reflection Paper (more information to follow)
What counts for which category?
Family Service: Family hours have to be OVER AND ABOVE what you NORMALLY do as part of
your family responsibilities. If you are always in charge of mowing the lawn, then that doesn’t count for your family service hours. These hours should focus on building up and serving the family. Go out of your comfort zone. Every family is different. Discuss some extra things you can do to serve your family.
Parish Service: Parish hours are spent in aiding the parish community of St. Joseph Church. They focus on being an active member of our parish community. Some examples of this are being an assistant for Religious Education, helping with Liturgical Ministry (that is lector, usher, greeter, altar server), and other parish- sponsored outreach and events.
Community Service: Community hours should focus on helping the local community. Some examples are making casseroles for Beans and Bread or Our Daily Bread, serving at a soup kitchen, volunteering at a nursing home, volunteering for the Humane Society, coaching for Parks and Rec, working with literacy programs, helping with roadside clean-ups, etc.
Sometimes you will have to make a decision which category you want your hours to go towards, this is normal. If you have any questions you can always call the Religious Education Office or email
What are the Service Requirement Guidelines?
-You cannot accept payment for ANY of your service hours
-You cannot “double-up,” that is, count any of your Confirmation service hours also for school hours
etc and visa versa
-All your service hours need to be logged and signed off on the Service Log attached to this sheet
-All Confirmation service hours are the candidate’s responsibility. You need to seek
out the service opportunities, make the appropriate phone calls and perform the service.
-It is strongly encouraged for candidates to perform service with parents and/or sponsors when possible. Service is an opportunity to grow in faith together.
What are some service ideas?
-Look on the St. Joseph Church website or the church bulletin for some service ideas. You can also ask friends or keep your ears open for opportunities through school.
See list of possible opportunities in the PDF packet linked.
Remember to keep notes to help write your Service Reflection.