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Pastor - Fr. Jesse Bolger
Emergency Line - 410-879-2874
Associate Pastor - 
Fr. Ned Conklin
Emergency Line - 410-879-2874
Associate Pastor - 
Fr. James Boric
Emergency Line - 410-879-2874

Clergy Request

Please call the Parish Office if you would like to be anointed at a time other than the scheduled dates. We highly encourage anyone who is struggling with a serious illness of mind, body, or spirit, or who is anticipating surgery, to call to set up a time to be anointed.

Pastoral Ministers

Pastoral Ministers are parishioners who bring Holy Communion to Catholics in our Parish and community who are home-bound, elderly, sick, in assisted living or senior housing facilities. They also conduct Communion services at assisted living facilities in the parish community.

Training is provided for this vital ministry, and volunteers are always needed. Please contact Fr. John Rapisarda to volunteer or request a visitation. 

For more information contact the Parish Office 410-256-1630.