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Our Daily Bread Contact




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Come with us as we serve at Catholic Charities Our Daily Bread, Maryland’s largest hot meal program, serving more than a quarter of a million people experiencing hunger in Baltimore City each year.

Spearheaded by St. Joseph African Catholic Community, a group of ten parishioners serves at the center from 9-1 on the fourth Saturday of every month. If desired, volunteers meet at the chapel parking lot at 8:30am and carpool to Our Daily Bread. Contact the Parish Office, 410-256-1630, if you would like to volunteer for this vital ministry.

St Vincent de Paul


There are two distinct areas that the St. Vincent De Paul society provides assistance: food and finances.
The St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry serves all those who ask for and need food. The Pantry is open to the public upon request. The Loaves and Fishes collections from the parish stock our Pantry's shelves. 
The Loaves and Fishes collections are on the 2nd Sunday of each month. At any of the four Sunday masses, and the Saturday evening Vigil, mass we accept non-perishables to stock our pantry. Items are also divided and given to St. Clement Church of Rosedale and St. Rita Church of Dundalk. Any contribution is greatly appreciated.
Volunteers are always welcome to work in the Food Pantry and in our ministry.
St. Vincent De Paul helps tackle poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. This is usually provided as short-term assistance to those in crisis in the form of rent assistance, utility bills, or other emergency funding. Our mission is supported by contributions to the poor box and individual donations.
For those needing assistance: Please call the Parish Office 410-256-1630 and leave a detailed message with your name and return phone number, and one of our members will contact you.
Volunteers collect and take casseroles to Beans & Bread the first Friday of the month.
Holiday Baskets
Volunteers collect, prepare and distribute food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas for needy families.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference at St. Joseph Church meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the lower room of the Parish Center. Anyone interested in obtaining additional insight into the organization is welcome to attend. You may call the Parish Office at 410-256-1630.

Our Pantry

The Loaves and Fishes collections are on the 2nd Sunday of each month. At any of the four Sunday masses, and the Saturday evening Vigil, mass we accept non-perishables to stock our St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Donations are accepted in the assigned basket at the back of the church.



What is Beans & Bread?

A homeless day resource program that serves 300 people daily with meals, healthcare, showers, laundry, employment services, case management, housing referrals and placements, mail receipt, and telephone access.

Please consider volunteering for Beans and Bread You can volunteer weekly on Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 pm or as a substitute as needed. Beans & Bread (located at 402 S. Bond Street) is only about 30 minutes away from St. Joseph Church. Please call Rose at 410-256-7354 for more information.

A group from St Joseph’s goes to Beans & Bread soup kitchen in Fell’s Point every Friday to serve lunch.

Evangelization Team Contact


    Jim Hamilton


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The Evangelization Team is an apologetic and catechetical group that invites, welcomes and provides spiritual support for the various groups at St. Joseph Church and those who are new or visiting our parish. “It has both and inward and outward direction.” Go Make Disciples, USCCB document on evangelization.

Inwardly, we make every effort to deepen our conversion into Christ though a commitment to personal prayer and scripture study, formal and informal. It is a matter of “being” more than a matter of “doing.” It is a commitment to live the Gospel life and share it when called upon, reverencing the truth by our witness.

Outwardly, we help launch new ministries and plan events that help the parish to realize their Baptismal promises and keep them, helping them to deepen their conversion. We are present as part of the parish by welcoming, listening, and helping whenever we can. We help the pastor, when called upon, to energize parishioners in the faith by running programs or greeting at functions within the parish; or by participating in community events making St. Joseph Church known to the wider community, hopefully calling others to inquire about our Catholic faith.